Kelly and I have been watching this new home go up close to our own in North Asheville. Lured by the unique facade assembled on one of the few remaining infill lots, we decided it was time to call for a tour. We were met by Jody Guokas of
JAG & Associates. Jody and his crew were hired to do the land prep, foundation and finish work on what is essentially a kit house from Unity Homes of New Hampshire. The walls and roof were shipped in panels much like Asheville's
Deltec Homes and then assembled onsite. The home is the 2 Bedroom model of their
ZUM plan and the one here is actually the first produced by the company.

Jody, who is part of the
Green Building Council, states that this will probably be one of the most efficient, green homes in Asheville when it is completed. The 10" insulated walls come shipped as panels already routed out for plumbing and electric leaving no opportunity for air penetration. The roof does the same at 12" thickness. Cosmeticly, the exterior hardy plank siding came prepainted for less labor in the field.

Though well built, cool and efficient, the challenge still remains the cost for modular and kit homes here in Asheville. Dollar for dollar Site-Built homes remain consistently more affordable to construct here. Still, it was cool to see this home owner venture into bringing a unique housing product to Asheville to add to our stock. Similarly to the 1940's Lustron home in our Beverly Hills it does break up the monotony of some of the repetitive development we see. Cheers to that!