asheville architecture

I'm kicking off a new series of posts inspired by the new construction in Asheville. Being both a designer and realtor I'm hyper-conscious of the changes occurring with our built environment...

A couple of modern-day pioneers with the help of an Asheville architecture firm spread their philosophy and vision to a new home in Riceville.

Take a tour of some mid-century homes in Asheville by architect Lawrence J Traber that "...speaks of modern architecture while retaining that nostalgic sense of home."

Though well built, cool and efficient, the challenge still remains the cost for modular and kit homes here in Asheville.

My good friends, architect Brandon Pass and his wife Libby, are two of my favorite people to sit and discuss regional craft and design with over beer and wine. Not only are they both talented - they are just good people who are both passionate about their individual craft.