20. When turning on
Merrimon, or anywhere for that matter, use your blinker. It's free. Thanks.
19. If you don't shower, spray something else besides Patchouli. Cover up. Wash. Maybe take that one shower.
18. If someone is offering free hugs, just do it. You only live once.
17. Talk to someone new each week. Maybe that "crazy" person you see in the street is your new best friend.
16. Don't tailgate on the Parkway. Bitch, just chill out enjoy the nature.
15. But do get your ass up out of bed before noon on a Saturday and go to a
tailgate farmers market. Support all these people growing and making shit for us to enjoy.
14. Don't sweat on me at
13. Tip a busker if you stop for more than 1 minute.
12. Don't try and knock over or mess with the "frozen" street performers. Give them a dollar and let them do their thang.
11. Don't drink half a beer. Finish it. Love it.
10. Give people chances. Asheville can feel super small, but it is a big town if you don't know anyone.
9. Try and volunteer somewhere. The river ain't gonna clean itself.
8. If you bring your dog to a bar, please watch it. Sometimes little Sparky gets too excited.
7. Don't make fun of tourists too much. They probably pay your bills in some way.
6. Pay attention when driving on 240. Now is not the time to pretend you are an extra for Fast and Furious.
5. Walk the Urban Trail. Go to culturally significant places. Know some facts, son.
4. Don't be all up in my personal space at a sold out show at the Orange Peel. Don't push. Don't spill beer on me. We all in this together.
3. Vote. I bet you voted for that American Idol kid but didn't get to the polls for the mayor.
2. Get out of your comfort zone. Explore. Get lost in the woods. Go into that scary shop downtown you wonder about.
1. Just be nice to one another - life is too short. Don't be an asshole. Smile. Listen. Love and do whatever hippie mantra is on a magnet on your fridge.