One of the best aspects of being a stay at home dad, is that there’s plenty of time to have really deep conversations with my children. Having a conversation with an adult is okay, but having a conversation with two five year olds can be mind-blowing. You dig into all kinds of territory—houses made out of fruit, Baby Jesus’ texting habits, the various things you can and can not lick in life.
Here are five things I said to my kids today. Long live conversations with five year olds.
1) No, buddy, we’re not going to have a birthday party for the iPad. The iPad isn’t a person. It doesn’t have a birthday.
2) Don’t lick your sister.
3) I like tiny crackers more than big crackers too. They make me feel like a giant.
4) I think it would be fun to live in a house made of watermelon for a day, but after that, it would just be really sticky all the time.
5) That’s really sweet honey, but it might be hard to send Baby Jesus a text message. I don’t think he has an iPhone.