>> Hank Willis Thomas,
Black Power, 2005, light jet print, 25 x 40 inches, edition 4/5 // Collection of Hedy Fischer and Randy Shull // Courtesy of Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa <<
If the opportunity presents itself to see pieces from the private collection of some serious art patrons, I recommend not passing it up.
Add into the mix that a selection of such pieces have been meticulously curated into a powerful show of Black artists exploring "the complex cultural and political issues still facing America" each day, and you have the ingredients for a not-to-be-missed cultural event.
On Saturday, September 29th, head on over to the remarkable warehouse space
22 London where owners, art lovers, partners in business and in life,
Randy Shull + Hedy Fischer are inviting us all to the opening of their latest show,
"Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud" might have been written and first performed in 1968, but the sentiment and significance of the song is as poignant now as ever and inspired the name of the show. Shull and Fischer selected works out of their personal collection from 19 artists who they believe represent significant voices in the "rapid historic reevaluation" happening all around us.
This exhibition illustrates the struggles and achievements of African Americans and challenges dominant historical perspectives with powerful work that is visceral and squarely focused on narratives of ethnic identity, institutional racism, gender and beauty through contemporary art."

>> Kehinde Wiley,
Prince Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria, 2013, oil on canvas, 72” x 60” // Collection of Randy Shull and Hedy Fischer // Courtesy of Stephen Friedman Gallery <<
Part of our commitment to the arts is a feeling of responsibility to participate in the global conversation that seeks to rewrite many of the overlooked histories and provide an avenue for conversation and understanding that has otherwise been swept up in the dominant mainstream."
Randy Shull + Hedy Fischer invite you to the opening of
SAY IT LOUD on Saturday, September 29th from 6-10pm @
22 London Road, Asheville, NC 28804
SAY IT LOUD will then be open by appointment from September 30–October 28, 2018 // Contact: Randy Shull
randy.shull@gmail.com + Hedy Fischer
// Featured Artists //
Khalik Allah
Kevin Beasley
Sanford Biggers
McArthur Binion
Aaron Fowler
Trenton Doyle Hancock
Alicia Henry
Rashid Johnson
Titus Kaphar
Kerry James Marshall
Rodney McMillian
William Pope.L
Alison Saar
Betye Saar
Paul Mpagi Sepuya
Clarissa Sligh
Hank Willis Thomas
Mickalene Thomas
Kehinde Wiley