Asheville creatives, consider taking this survey


Asheville creatives, consider taking this survey

If you work in a creative industry in Asheville and are concerned about affordable housing, local officials want you to consider taking a survey, Keep AVL Creative, that could help lead to new affordable housing options in town. Here's a quick look: Who's behind the survey? The Asheville-based Center for Craft (formerly known as the Center for Craft, Creativity and Design) and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce teamed up in 2015 to commission the Minneapolis-based nonprofit Artspace to do a study the feasibility of developing affordable housing for artists. Artspace, established in 1979, is nationally known as a nonprofit real estate developer that specializes in creating, owning, and operating affordable housing and studio space for artists and creative sector businesses. This survey is a critical part of the Artspace affordable housing study. More about the survey: The survey runs through March 26, and so far more than 500 people have taken it. It takes about 15 minutes to fill out. Participants are entered to win $250 in creative supplies of their choosing. Responses are confidential. Who funded the survey: The Arts Market Survey has been generously funded by: The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, City of Asheville, Center for Craft, Ted and Senator Terry Van Duyn, Duke Energy Foundation, HomeTrust Bank, Dana and Jana Stonestreet, Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, and Diamond Brand Gear.