Asheville Grit is what Asheville has to say. It's a free-form, curated forum for Ashevillians to submit blog posts on music, art, food and drink, opinions on local things and more. Contact us if you...
All Go West is upon us, and we couldn't be more excited! The schedule is amazing, but we picked a few of our favorites for you to check out. Asheville Grit will be at the Brew Pump Stage again this year, so come say hi! We'll have Grit swag and a few other surprises.
All Go West isn't the only thing happening this weekend, though. Here's the full roundup.
Thursday-SaturdayAmerican Arcade @ the Magnetic Theatre
7:30-10 p.m.
The newest play from the Magnetic's own Steven Samuels is getting rave reviews. Follow our protagonist as he struggles to keep his job as a manufacturer of shooting-gallery games in the face of an unrelenting present. The Magnetic recently dropped its ticket prices, which means that great theater is more affordable than ever.
ThursdayFroggy Fresh with the Last WordBenders and MC Sparkplug @ the Grey Eagle
This all-ages show features American YouTube sensation and rap star Froggy Fresh. Plus, our favorite nerdcore hip-hop group, the Last WordBenders, are opening.
David Forbes//The Asheville Blade Present Three Changes @ the West Asheville Library
8 p.m.
David Forbes, editor of the Asheville Blade, will present three changes to local legislature that would improve Asheville the most. Forbes has over 10 years of experience covering City Hall for various news outfits, including the reader-funded Blade.
FridayEchoview Fiber Mill Tour @ 76 Jupiter Rd, Weaverville
2-3 p.m,
Check out one of the only fiber mills remaining in the region on this guided tour hosted by the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design in conjunction with their current show, Tie Up, Draw Down. Participation is limited, so sign up now.
Hatchworks Launch Party @ 45 South French Broad
5:30-9 p.m.
Celebrate the opening of the Hatchworks Coworking Space on South French Broad (in the same building as Hopey and the Grail Moviehouse). Pizza! Music!
SaturdayBetter Dads Festival @ Roger McGuire Green
12-9 p.m.
This free festival focuses on fatherhood, family, and community. Whether you're a parent or not, the day offers something for you, including games, food, music, community circles, and more. Sets from David LaMotte and Friends, the Billy Jonas Band, and LYRIC will keep you dancing throughout the day.
emersion: Fall from Grace @ 43 Chestnut St. W
9 p.m.
Sign up now for your chance to be immersed. emersion is a multi-room installation and performance created by local artist and comedian Grayson Morris and a team of very talented folks. $10 at the door. Spots are still left for Saturday's performance. Next week, we'll be profiling emersion as our weekend update event—check back for some exclusive coverage!
Saturday and SundayAll Go West @ Haywood Rd/various venues (featured event of the Weekend Update!)
1 p.m.
All Go West is back! The popular (and free!) music festival happens over two days this year and has a few new venues, including an experimental "Psych Ward" stage presented by Harvey Leisure (of Nest Egg) at the Fortune Building. Asheville Grit will be hanging out all day at the Brew Pump Stage on Saturday, so be sure to come and say hello!
Sunday—Father's DayDad's Day River Cleanup @ French Broad Riverkeeper
12:30-3 p.m.
MountainTrue, Asheville Greenworks, and Riverlink come together to clean the French Broad for this special Father's Day celebration and event that's all about giving back. Participants will put in at Jean Webb River Park and float to the Salvage Station. Bring water, a hat, and sunscreen—all other supplies, including boats, provided.
Banda Magda @ The Grey Eagle
8-11 p.m.
Greek-born musician and composer Magda Giannikou (Kronos Quartet, Louis CK) leads this eclectic group, which is inspired by everything from Colombian cumbia to French chanson.