Everything old is new again. In 2014, a girl told me her prediction that tattoo chokers would (omniously) reappear as a fashion trend. I said “No way, no how.” I’m currently eating my words, while perusing the Internet for a record player.
It’s a confusing time to constantly reconcile between the charm of old-fashioned, tangible items and the efficiency of technologically delivered or rapidly produced—and cheap--goods. All of the things we thought we wanted are now possible—why hunt down a pair of vintage overalls at a thrift shop when you can buy a new “vintage” pair off a handful of sites that pollute the sidebar of your homepage, anyway. What does it mean to buy a CD when you can just download the select songs you want for free? And what even is a “video store”? Is it Netflix? Is it RedBox?
No, you guys,
it’s Rosebud. And, like anything good that existed until 2016, it is leaving.
There’s nothing that we can do now. But, what you can do is go give one last applause and buy some movies or TV shows at its going-out-of-business sale.
They’ll be open 12-5pm this Saturday, the 31st, and reopen one last time at 12 o’clock on New Year’s day. Go grab a movie, say thank you, and dwell in the beauty that was an actual, tangible, thoughtfully curated and expertly stacked, video store.