Hi Folks!
This Friday, October 23nd, seems to have some cool events going. Here's the skinny for those interested in participating:
12 NOON | "Works in Progress" by Arne Emerson, design Principal at Morphosis Architects at Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center
Focusing on the interaction between design, technology and fabrication, Emerson will outline how 'process' emerges as the central driver and catalyst for bringing theory and contextual research into realized form.
This is part of our ongoing speaker series "Ideas Without Walls: In Between the Spaces" presenting speakers working across disciplines to research and implement new ideas in theory and design. For more info here is the link.

The Haen Gallery | The Lumberyard Arts District in Brevard will be buzzing on Friday night as artists from The Haen Gallery and Lumberyard Studios gather to present new work, demonstrate techniques, and present installation art during Brevard’s Gallery Walk from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The Circle Factory in Brevard will, also, be open featuring our favorite artists including George Peterson, Shellie Lewis and Ashley Lowe. Here is a link to the event.