Cpt. HyperDrive's debut EP,
Burning Roses, tells an ages-old story of love, heartbreak, and healing through his signature soul-filled electronic sound. Filled with lush beats and heady combinations of bass, vocal sampling, and synth riffs, it's gorgeous music that will undoubtedly be the groove at every dance party next year. This coming Friday, December 2nd, HyperDrive (Rob Grey) will be joined by producers and special guests for a free show at Sol Vibes (The Summit at New Mountain Asheville) to celebrate the album.
HyperDrive will be joined on stage during his set by
BruceyB on keys (together, the duo are
Koresma and Pedram Rahmatabadi on guitar,
Spitty the Sequel (MC), Sean Singer on trumpet, and Rachel Herity on violin. Other performances will take place throughout the evening from
Samuel Paradise,
Vietnam Jerry,
Soul Candy, and
Murkury will do live projection and visuals. The lineup is a stellar sampling of some of the area's best producers, who are coming together to support their fellow musician and, by extension, the larger music community.
Burning Roses has been in the works for the past two years. HyperDrive used his own experiences with
heartbreak as a fuel for his art. He describes the album as "encompassing the experiences and emotions of still feeling the flames of love burn in your heart for someone who used to love you, but has moved on. The 'what ifs' and 'I could haves' tease your thoughts and make you wish for a time machine. The leaden weight of anger, frustration, and numbing depression cling to your body. Memories of the good times replay in your mind like a syndicated TV sitcom.
"Then comes a moment of truth: The only way to let go is to let the flames burn out. You are left with only the ashes, but the ashes you now carry are lighter. You can now lift the awful weight of sadness and take the steps towards closure."
The power of art to heal and work through traumatic life experiences is well known, and
Burning Roses gives the listener a clear vision of that process. But the EP is never weighed down by heavy emotion; rather, this is
sublimation at its best and brightest. Even when edges of sadness creep in, the overall mood is uplifting, celebratory, and freeing.

If you've never seen HyperDrive perform, you're in for a treat. He's seriously the most animated performer I've seen, and his energy is infectious. I love it when a musician is clearly having an amazing time, and there's no question that HyperDrive was born for the stage. Oh, and he's a fantastic dancer.
Come out to Sol Vibes at the Summit for a fantastic night of beats and community. Whether or not you're working through your own heartbreak, you'll leave feeling like the music has set you
For more details, check out the event Facebook page